Tommy Nease
Gomma Photography Grant 2018 Finalists

Gomma Photography Grant 2018



Tommy Nease


04 Feb, 2022

The archetypes established within our unconscious also live among the mountains, valleys, rivers, and oceans. The energy that shapes our experience is the same energy that flows through our landscapes. A sliver of this energy represents itself as the visible spectrum, which is the medium that I use in order to illustrate the ties between the natural world and the human psyche. Microcosm is an ongoing series that has been exhibited at Space Place Gallery of Modern Art in Nihzny Tagil, Russia in July of 2019. It is scheduled for exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts in Nihzny Tagil- November 2019.

About the photographer

Tommy Nease

Photographer Tommy Nease’s images resemble something channeled from the subconscious directly into a photograph.Like the dream sequence in an Alfred Hitchcock film, Nease’s silver gelatin photographs of a woman pierced by an arrow, a boulder balanced on a hillside, a body curled up into itself surrounded by a halo of light are visitations from another reality. In his black-and white-photographs, this peripatetic young photographer captures snow-topped mountaintops and walls of obscuring clouds that give both a surreality to the physical world and a feeling of being suddenly in nature’s powerful embrace.-ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSITITUTION