Grande Bruto
21 Mar, 2022
This truly is an exceptional piece of work. Compositions that suck us into alcohol fueled escapades with slurred fun fare tunes playing in the background. The confidence, almost cockiness in which the main culprit, Leo and his affiliates embrace their chaotic dissent into trouble, is unmatched.
"Leo navigates circumstances that are by turns unfortunate, astonishing, unlikely, hilarious, traumatic, and romantic." Through this head-on approach to the camera, that is, everpresent, everready to be challenged - the general take on life and all its challenges is revealed in such a heartwarming and comedic way, it draws in the viewer and spreads the emotion of the experience. A life lived unapologetic yet open to receive, develops and we cheer for it.
"From the depths of alcohol dependence and a stint in a psychiatric hospital to his mateship with Glen, finding love, changing his lifestyle and marrying for the third time. Will it be third time lucky?" The simple approach to picture compositions, bold colors, movement and interaction give this body of work a feel of spontaneity, yet privilege to have been in the right moment and a sense of connection through the openness of the models.
Education: Australian Centre for Photography  Australian Film Television & Radio School  Magnum Documentary Photography Course  Workshop Les Recontres d’Arles Awards« 2021  Australian Life Photography Competition 2021 - Finalist  Mullins Conceptual Photographic Prize - Finalist  Urban Photo Awards - Finalist  The Mono Awards - 4th place  Documentary Family Awards - Finalist  Head On Photo Awards - Semi-finalist  Monochrome Awards 2021 - 6 Honorable Mention’s  PX3 Prix De La Photographe Paris - 2 Honorable Mention’s  Monovisions Photography Awards - 6 Honorable Mention’s  Chromatic Awards - Honourable Mention  Nikon Iris Awards - Silver  Australian Photography Awards - Shortlisted